ARQUEOAMBIENTAL is the first archaeological consultancy in the country. It integrates the knowledge and experience of professionals dedicated to archaeological heritage management in the context of Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) applied to the oil, mining and civil works in general, with studies made in much of Argentina, and with the aim to expand internationally.
Our initiative began 10 years ago with the clear objective of providing a versatile proposal, paired with the necessary technical accuracy, to deliver a solution for companies that require an effective and legal plan for the management of archaeological heritage. Its implementation should be considered as a process of commitment and responsibility towards society.
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Archaeological Impact Studies are technical tools - methodologies focused on the identification of archaeological objects which are situated in areas destined for the development of works.
The main objective is to develop a coherent management plan that is intended to mitigate and / or avoid negative impacts or enhance those interpreted as positive.
Archaeological Baseline Studies reflect the archaeological situation of a particular area prior to the implementation of a work plan. Developed through the collection of background material and implementation of methodologies based on the survey.
The main objective is to identify areas that may be considered archaeologically sensitive. The resulting data here should be incorporated in a complementary manner within the overall environmental plan proposed.
During the execution of works there are certain steps that can be defined as dangerous to archaeologically sensitive areas, particularly those involving soil movement, such as the development of ditches, pools, clearing, among others. Actions of this kind of work could put the archaeological heritage at risk.
While previous studies aiming to identify archaeological objects, only generate data at the surface, there is not always a pattern of evidence which shows the presence of what lies under it. That is why the monitoring of the work by qualified personnel must be understood as a very important procedure in the commitment to protect cultural heritage by the companies involved.
ArqueoAmbiental provides advice on those projects that include archaeological sites and wish to be developed, after prior authorization of the relevant enforcement authorities and all those involved. Through it will propose a plan of management and responsible management-sustainable, that is adapted to the current regulations.
Within this plan, the necessary training will be included for those services of guide, with the objective that they have accurate information of what one wishes to "show".
Throughout our career path we have noticed that one of the major deficiencies related to the protection and management of cultural heritage is the “lack of knowledge”. This is dangerous as it can lead to actions which generate negative or even irreversible impacts on the sites.
ArqueoAmbiental attempt to address this problem through the delivery of courses aimed at workers, supervisors or others interested in learning about the concept of archaeological heritage, the importance of protection and the correct procedures to be followed before any findings are made.
Legal advice is essential to the safe and responsible underway of any exploitation, extends in two senses: First, supporting and endorsing our services on archaeological / environmental, and second, providing exclusive legal advice to companies on the local rules should be noted, as well as control and monitoring of legally binding procedures.
Legal Normative Framework Related
Licenciado en Arqueología
(Universidad Nacional de Catamarca - Argentina)
Master en Gestión y Auditorías Ambientales
(Universidad Europea Miguel Cervantes)
Desde Argentina: +54-388-154081707
Desde el exterior: +54-9-388-154081707
Email: [email protected]
Skype: mambasch
Licenciado en Arqueología
(Universidad Nacional de Catamarca - Argentina)
Desde Argentina: +54-299-4106290
Desde el exterior: +54-9-299-4106290
Email: [email protected]
Skype: anduezapd